Personnel Selection

Personnel selection is a delicate and articulated process where the consultant is for us a filtering and mediating figure between the company and the candidate, and this is precisely why we have deliberately differentiated the selection process between middle and talent management.
With our experience, we have identified the “5 P's of selection” that represent the fundamental pillars for an effective evaluation of each professional. Each phase of our process requires Patience to listen, Accuracy in analysis, Passion for work, Perseverance in pursuing goals and Punctuality in meeting deadlines.
This allows us to guarantee quality results and a positive experience for both the candidate and the company.
to listen
in analysis
for work
in pursuing goals
in meeting deadlines

Middle management

In the selection of middle management, correctly identifying the figures is essential to guarantee companies the right support in all phases of internal development. In this process, we focus on the person, their professional experiences and their personal skills, whether they are a client or a candidate.
Our goal is to identify the right candidate not only based on skills, but also taking into account the organisational context in which they will be placed. Fundamental to this process is the training of our counsellors: at 365 gradi we create a professional development path from recruitment to ensure the development of all skills to learn to understand the whole person.

Talent management

Talent attraction is fundamental for every company: selecting, integrating, and training young people with potential is becoming an organisational necessity. This process can take place by recruiting young talent and by identifying potential employees already present within the company.
Starting from the needs analysis, we set up a project to identify the skills present in the organization to articulate a path of selection, evaluation and career planning. This path leads to the inclusion of new talent and, at the same time, to the identification of internal talent within the company. For all of them, a growth path will be created aimed at developing and consolidating their skills.
Case studies
We deal with human resources because we believe in the value of human capital

Do you have any doubts or questions? Contact us for more info!